Real Estate Leveraging

Leveraging is a technical term meaning borrowing to invest. More specifically, financial leverage takes the form of a loan reinvested with the hope to earn a greater rate of return than the cost of interest. For years leveraging was mainly used in the Stock Market for brokerage margin accounts, that is arrangements in which investors bought stocks ‘on margin’, putting up only a percentage of the total cost. The brokerage firm effectively provided a loan for the balance. With the appearance on the financial scene of home equity lines of credit in the 1990’s, leveraging was adopted by investors and speculators in Real Estate as well.

Home equity lines of credit meant that ordinary people who had benefited from the big run-up in housing values during the 1970’s and 1980’s suddenly had access to large amounts of cash. In most cases, these were not sophisticated investors – in fact many of them knew very little of real estate investing. But they had home equity and could suddenly tap into it. The same phenomenon has happened in the early years of the millennium with a new generation of real estate investors, who have used their equities to purchase and add up inventory, thus contributing to the price increases of these past few years.

The math of leveraging has always been very seductive, both as it applies to the Stock Market and in Real Estate. All the more so at the time when markets were soaring. With leveraging, one uses other people’s money to enhance his own profits by acquiring additional interests in land. This enhancement process takes the form either of added equity, which is realized at the time the real estate asset is sold, or as additional cash-flow, as in the case of rental properties. Either way, it was easy to make a compelling case for borrowing against home equity to invest.

There are, however, pitfalls in leveraging that must be brought forth to the uninitiated investor. For one thing, while leverage allows greater potential return to the investor than otherwise would have been available, the potential for loss is greater because if the investment loses value not only is a portion of that money lost, but the loan still needs to be repaid in its entirety.

Secondly, the problem with leveraging in Real Estate does not relate to its potential value as an investment tool but, rather, to the emotion that invariably is involved in any real estate transaction. People tend to be persuaded to borrow against the value of their homes without truly understanding the risks involved and the potential distress that losses may cause, especially when the market is in retreat and prices are dropping. This is the reason why a small but increasing number of investors find themselves into the predicament wherein they have saved and scrimped all those years to pay off their mortgages and are now right back where they started.

Leveraging is a suitable strategy only for investors who are experienced and knowledgeable. Unless one is prepared both financially and psychologically to deal with what could be severe short-term losses and stick with the investment for the medium to long term, one is not a good candidate for leveraging. And even then, when the investor has the know-how and the stomach for leveraging, certain rules of thumb are always helpful:

[ ] Invest when prices are low, not high.

This sounds obvious, but unfortunately there is a natural tendency to shy away from real estate when markets have peaked and prices are falling. Conversely, when property values go through the roof everyone wants a slice of the pie. This is specifically the reason why it is so easy to convince people to use leveraging when everything is on the rise, and almost impossible to get anyone to listen when markets are in deflation.

But it is exactly during falling markets that leveraging offers the best capital returns in the medium to long haul. Interest rates are low, so the cost of borrowing is minimized. Financial institutions are looking for customers and it is easier to cut a better deal or get incentives from them than would be the case otherwise. Sellers too are more motivated and more flexible on prices and terms of contract.

[ ] Be selective in what you buy.

Go for the quality of the real capital asset. A house, or multi-family dwelling that is well maintained and well kept will hold up value better in the long run, and will save the investor money in upkeeping as well. In the case of rental properties, it will be easier to find tenants willing to pay more to relocate into a nice-looking property.

[ ] Take the profits and pay down the debt.

Greed is always dangerous in any market, and this is where most people fall. Do not keep reinvesting the profits. That is like betting all winnings on every new roll of the roulette wheel. By doing so, investors expose themselves to new risks every time they use leveraging to reinvest, and sooner or later they will lose because they do not stand on solid financial foundations. The best and safest strategy is to use cash-flow to pay down the loan, or to wait for prices to increase and then sell for a profit.

[ ] Pay the lowest possible interest.

Even though the interest is tax deductible, investors have still to pay some of it out of their own pockets. If the loan is substantial, that could amount to several thousand dollars every year. So therefore it is always advisable to shop for the best deal available, using the services of a good mortgage broker.

Luigi Frascati

Online Real Estate – Educational Opportunities

There are a number of online schools and training facilities that are available to provide students with the real estate education they need to start an exciting career. Real estate professionals work to provide various resources to their clients. These clients utilize agents to build, sell, and rent properties such as offices, houses, and more. Students can obtain an education to become a broker or agent, appraiser, or manager, and learn to appraise and inspect properties, rent and lease homes, manage agencies, and more. With proper training students can obtain the knowledge and skills to become the real estate professional they desire while earning the degree or certificate they need.

  • Real estate degrees and certificates allow students to become educated in the specific area of their choice. Degrees are available at an associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorates level for students looking to become entrepreneurs. Students who wish to obtain professional certification can also train online for their career of choice. Students can prepare for the career of their dreams with coursework provided by online degree and certificate programs. Online schools provide the opportunity to earn professional certification or a degree from the comforts of home by enrolling in an online program. Curriculum offered by educational institutes will vary depending on the school and career level.
  • There are a number of courses in real estate that students are offered through online educational programs. Much of the coursework will be the same for most real estate professionals, but specialized areas of study are also included in training and will depend on the type of career. They will complete coursework such as listing and document preparation, advertising, and more. An online program geared toward appraisers will include areas of study like finance and law. Students training for a career in property management may learn business administration, leasing, and more. Online courses allow students to learn how the industry works, and provide students with information about various real estate professions.
  • There are a number of related professions to choose from including real estate broker or agent, appraiser, property manager, and more. Professionals in this industry are trained to carry out a variety of tasks. Theses tasks depend on the career profession each student chooses to pursue. Property managers are trained to run the daily operations for apartments, shopping centers, offices, and more. Their job description may include the upkeep of outdoor areas, resolving complaints and maintenance orders, and more. Appraisers work with various financial institutions and clients to appraise residential and commercial property, research data, write reports, and other tasks. Students looking to become brokers will train to work with buyers and sellers. Brokers or agents are in charge of negotiating prices, advertising properties, submitting client offers and other related tasks. With an online school students can prepare for the career of their choice.

A variety of employment opportunities are available in the field and students can choose to earn their certificate or degree in more than one area. With an education in real estate students can work for existing agencies or start their own business. A number of states require that real estate professionals be licensed in order to provide their services. Licensed professionals in this field may be able to choose whether they work full or part time, and so can you with an education in real estate. Not all programs are required to carry full accreditation so students should look into this prior to enrollment. Accreditation is provided by agencies like the Distance Education and Training Council ( ) to provide proof that a quality education will be received.

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Exploring The Wonders Of Asia

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1. The Rich History of Asia

Asia is a continent with a history that spans thousands of years. From the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Indus Valley to the dynasties of China and the samurai warriors of Japan, Asia has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous empires and kingdoms. Exploring the rich history of Asia allows us to understand the roots of its present-day culture and traditions.

2. Asia’s Diverse Cultural Heritage

With its vast size and diverse population, Asia is home to a plethora of unique cultures and traditions. From the colorful festivals of India to the traditional tea ceremonies of Japan, each country in Asia has its own distinct cultural heritage. Discovering the diversity of Asia’s cultural landscape is an enriching experience that broadens our understanding of the world.

2.1 The Intriguing World of Asian Mythology

Asian mythology is filled with fascinating tales of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures. From Hindu epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata to Chinese folklore featuring dragons and immortals, the myths and legends of Asia provide a glimpse into the beliefs and values of ancient civilizations.

2.2 Traditional Asian Performing Arts

Asian performing arts, such as Chinese opera, Indian classical dance, and Japanese kabuki theater, are renowned for their intricate costumes, mesmerizing music, and captivating storytelling. These traditional art forms have been passed down through generations and continue to be celebrated and cherished in the modern era.

3. Natural Wonders in Asia

From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the pristine beaches of Southeast Asia, Asia is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders. Whether you’re an adventure seeker or a nature lover, there are countless opportunities to explore Asia’s breathtaking landscapes and encounter its unique flora and fauna.

3.1 The Majestic Mount Everest

Standing at a staggering height of 8,848 meters, Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. Located in the Himalayas on the border of Nepal and China, conquering this iconic mountain is a dream for many climbers and adventurers.

3.2 The Enchanting Rice Terraces of Banaue

The rice terraces of Banaue in the Philippines are a UNESCO World Heritage site and a testament to the ingenuity of the indigenous people who constructed them more than 2,000 years ago. These terraces offer a stunning vista of cascading green fields, creating a picturesque landscape that is truly awe-inspiring.

4. Delicious Asian Cuisine

Asian cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors, aromatic spices, and diverse culinary traditions. From the fiery curries of India to the delicate sushi of Japan, each country in Asia offers a unique gastronomic experience that tantalizes the taste buds.

4.1 The Art of Dim Sum in Hong Kong

Dim sum is a beloved culinary tradition in Hong Kong, where bite-sized portions of steamed and fried dumplings, buns, and other delicacies are served in bamboo steamers. Sampling these delectable treats is a must for any food lover visiting Asia’s culinary capital.

4.2 The Spicy Delights of Thai Cuisine

Thai cuisine is known for its balance of flavors, combining sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements in harmonious dishes. Whether it’s the famous Pad Thai or the fiery Tom Yum soup, Thai food offers a tantalizing array of flavors that will satisfy even the most discerning palate.

5. Vibrant Festivals in Asia

Asia is home to a multitude of colorful and lively festivals that celebrate various religious, cultural, and historical events. From the lantern festivals of China to the water festivals of Thailand, these vibrant celebrations are a feast for the senses.

5.1 The Spectacular Diwali Festival in India

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most important Hindu festivals celebrated in India and across the world. During this festival, homes are illuminated with oil lamps, fireworks light up the sky, and families come together to share sweets and exchange gifts.

5.2 The Exhilarating Songkran Festival in Thailand

Songkran, the Thai New Year, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement. Water fights break out on the streets as people splash each other with water to symbolize the washing away of bad luck and to welcome a fresh start in the coming year.

6. Must-Visit Cities in Asia

Asia is home to some of the most vibrant and bustling cities in the world. From the futuristic skyline of Tokyo to the historical charm of Istanbul, these cities offer a blend of modernity and tradition that captivates visitors from all corners of the globe.

6.1 Tokyo: The City of Contrasts

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a city where ancient traditions coexist with cutting-edge technology. From tranquil shrines and gardens to bustling shopping districts and neon-lit streets, Tokyo offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to every traveler’s interests.

6.2 Istanbul: Where East Meets West

Istanbul, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is a city that seamlessly blends cultures and influences from both continents. With its stunning mosques, bustling bazaars, and rich history, Istanbul offers a glimpse into the fascinating fusion of East and West.

7. Ancient Temples and Monuments

Asia is home to some of the world’s most impressive ancient temples and monuments, each with its own unique architectural style and historical significance. Exploring these cultural treasures allows us to step back in time and appreciate the craftsmanship and devotion of the civilizations that built them.

7.1 The Magnificent Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the largest religious monument in the world. Built in the 12th century, this sprawling temple complex in Cambodia showcases the grandeur of the Khmer Empire and is a testament to the architectural prowess of the time.

7.2 The Serene Temples of Kyoto

Kyoto, Japan’s cultural capital, is home to numerous ancient temples and shrines that provide a glimpse into the country’s rich spiritual heritage. From the iconic Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) to the serene Ryoan-ji Zen garden, Kyoto’s temples offer a tranquil escape from the bustling city.

8. Asia’s Modern Architectural Marvels

Asia is also known for its modern architectural marvels that showcase cutting-edge design and engineering. From the futuristic skyline of Dubai to the innovative structures in Singapore, these architectural wonders redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

8.1 The Burj Khalifa: Touching the Sky

The Burj Khalifa in